Perfectline 70mm with french doors & integrated support cladding
This house located in Whitegate with spectacular views of the harbour. The extension features 2.37m high french doors and windows with full wrap-around on the corner of the building.
The windows and door frame are installed prior to the pouring of the concrete sills in-situ. The 150mm steel corner post which supports the roof has been filled with expanding foam and then completely integrated into the window system by the external covering of a thermal panel (24mm), finished to exactly match the rest of the windows.
The result is an impressive extension with doors and windows to match the breathtaking scenery.
Location: Whitegate, Cork
Frames: Perfectline 70mm in black/brown colour with integrated steel reinforcing
Glazing: Triple glazed low Ug glass 0.6
Other Details: Steel support has been integrated into the window system with the inclusion of a colour-matched thermal panel on the exterior that covers the steel corner post.